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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Defining Print Parameters In SAP

SAP is using certain print parameters for its print outs. For example to print out Billing, Sales Document, there are parameters to maintain such as the program’s name, the report’s name (SmartForms or SAPscript), The output message type, etc.
For example in VA03, SAP is maintaining several output types to print each transaction, e.g. Billing, Sales, Debit Note, etc.
 Now to see what parameters maintained for each output type (Printing Parameters), you can use TCODE V/30.
1. Execute TCODE V/30.
2. Now you can see the output type list for each transaction, click on the “Position” button to search an output type.
 3. Enter the Output Type that you want to find and click OK or just press enter.
 4. Select the output type and double click on the “Processing Routine” section.
 5. On the next screen, you will see the print parameters for the selected output type. E.g. The ABAP program’s name, the SmartForms name, etc.

How To Open SAP Transaction Using ABAP Function

In today’s tutorial I want to teach you how to open new SAP transaction using ABAP Function called “CC_CALL_TRANSACTION_NEW_TASK”.
Program Description:
We will be creating a start up program that will call this function and open a new transaction for VL03N, and it will skip the first screen while supplying the delivery order number and display the delivery order screen.
Here’s the ABAP sample source code.
WRITE:/ ‘This is your main Program ‘.
WRITE:/ ‘You will see a new session program’.
WRITE:/ ‘Opened after this program is active’.
lv_skscr(1) TYPE c VALUE ‘X’,
lv_vbeln LIKE LIKP-VBELN VALUE ‘5572000119′,
l_st_prscr TYPE tpara,
l_it_scrprm TYPE TABLE OF tpara.
CLEAR l_st_prscr.
CLEAR l_it_scrprm[].
l_st_prscr-paramid = ‘VL’.
l_st_prscr-partext = lv_vbeln.
APPEND l_st_prscr TO l_it_scrprm.
transaction = ‘VL03N’
skip_first_screen = ‘X’
paramtab = l_it_scrprm
communication_failure = 97
system_failure = 98
OTHERS = 99.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
” Success
ELSEIF sy-subrc = 97.
” Communication Failure
ELSEIF sy-subrc = 98.
” System Failure
1. Now Run the program (F8)
2. Below you will see there are 2 programs active, the first one is the ABAP program that is calling the VL03 transaction.

SAP Authorization Object Tables List

Here’s a list of SAP authorization Object tables for your reference.
You can execute TCODE SE11 and see more details of each table, such as column description, field type, etc.
Table Name    Description
TOBJ        Authorization Objects
TACT        Activities which can be Protected
TACTZ        Valid Activities for each authorization object
TDDAT        Maintenance Areas for tables
TSTC         SAP Transaction Codes
TPGP        ABAP/4 Authorization groups
USOBT        Relation transaction > Authorization Object
USOBX        Check table for table USOBT
USOBT_C        Relation Transaction   > Auth. Object (Customer)
USOBX_C        Check table for table USOBT_C