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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finding Relevant Smart form for SF Function Module

option 1:By using this sample program u can find out Smartform for a given Smartform Function Module.
option 2: If u know Smart form and u want to find out Function module of this SF then u can use FM

*& Report ZSMARTFORM *

*& *


*& *

*& *


report zsmartform no standard page heading .


* T A B L E S D E C L A R A T I O N *


tables :stxfadmi.


* V A R I A B L E S D E C L A R A T I O N *


data: l_formname like stxfadmi-formname.


* S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N D E F I N I T I O N - B E G I N *


selection-screen : begin of block po with frame title text-001.

parameters : p_fname like tfdir-funcname. " Function Module name

selection-screen : end of block po.


* S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N D E F I N I T I O N - E N D *



* E V E N T S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N *



data: fnumber like stxfadmi-fmnumb.

fnumber = p_fname+10(8).

if p_fname+0(10) ne '/1BCDWB/SF'.

message e041(yw2) with 'This FM is not a Smartform generated FM'.


if fnumber is not initial.

select single formname into l_formname

from stxfadmi

where fmnumb le fnumber

and fmnumbd ge fnumber.


format color col_heading.

uline (65).

write:/ sy-vline,

(30) 'Func.Module Name' centered no-gap, sy-vline,

(30) 'SmartForm Name' centered no-gap, sy-vline.

uline /(65).

format reset.

write:/ sy-vline,

(30) p_fname centered no-gap, sy-vline,

(30) l_formname centered no-gap, sy-vline.

uline /(65).

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