*structure declaration for performance measurement
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_performance,
company(15) TYPE c,
q1 TYPE i,
q2 TYPE i,
q3 type i,
q4 type i,
END OF ty_performance.
*structure declaration for options table
types : BEGIN OF ty_opttable,
options(30) TYPE c,
END OF ty_opttable.
*Internal table and work area declarations
DATA: it_performance TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_performance,
wa_performance TYPE ty_performance.
DATA : it_opttable type standard table of ty_opttable,
wa_opttable type ty_opttable.
*initialization event
*start of selection event
*clearing the work areas
CLEAR wa_opttable.
*appending values into the performance internal table
wa_performance-company = 'Company A'.
wa_performance-q1 = 78.
wa_performance-q2 = 68.
wa_performance-q3 = 79.
wa_performance-q4 = 80.
append wa_performance to it_performance.
wa_performance-company = 'Company B'.
wa_performance-q1 = 48.
wa_performance-q2 = 68.
wa_performance-q3 = 69.
wa_performance-q4 = 70.
append wa_performance to it_performance.
wa_performance-company = 'Company C'.
wa_performance-q1 = 78.
wa_performance-q2 = 48.
wa_performance-q3 = 79.
wa_performance-q4 = 85.
append wa_performance to it_performance.
*appending values into the options internal table
wa_opttable-options = 'P3TYPE = TO'.
APPEND wa_opttable TO it_opttable.
wa_opttable-options = 'P2TYPE = VB'.
APPEND wa_opttable TO it_opttable.
wa_opttable-options = 'TISIZE = 1'.
APPEND wa_opttable TO it_opttable.
*calling the graph function module
col1 = 'Quarter 1'
col2 = 'Quarter 2'
col3 = 'Quarter 3'
col4 = 'Quarter 4'
dim1 = 'In Percentage%'
set_focus = 'X'
titl = 'Company Performances'
data = it_performance
opts = it_opttable
others = 1.
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